Chris Howard-Swan: What got you interested in holistic living?
Carmen Turner: I guess I've been interested in aspects of holistic living ever since I was a child. Of course I would not have realized it had such a fancy name at the time but my parents raised us along many of the same standards I find important for my family today. They understood that the body has the ability to heal itself in most cases, that it IS important what you eat, and that who you have around you is more important than what you own. In high school I turned in multiple rough drafts printed on the back sides of scrap paper from the library because I thought it was such a waste. I think that came from always drawing on used computer paper that my dad would bring home from work when I was little. I think holistic living is just a learning process that starts when you are young and continues as you find ways to make it your own.
CHS: What are your top three holistic passions?
CT: My top three holistic passions would be embracing hand-me-downs and used items, finding contentment within any situation, and educating myself and my family on ways to improve our quality of life.
CHS: What holistic practice or lifestyle could you not live without, and why?
CT: The holistic practice I could not live without would definitely be finding contentment with my life. It's not easy and I fail a lot but it is something I work for. If I get frustrated because the AC is broke in my car or annoyed that we are the last people in the 21st century to NOT own a dishwasher I take a minute and remember all of the stuff we do have. Then I remind myself that that's what it is..just stuff. We are happy and healthy with friends and family who love us and that's all that matters, right? Right.
CHS: What holistic practice of lifestyle do you still participate in (or refuse to give up)?
CT: I think the most "unholistic" practice I indulge in would be my addiction to Beef A Roo's fries. I can try and comfort myself by repeating in my head how they are trans fat free but that doesn't matter much, especially when I'm dipping them in cheese sauce which we all know contains next to nothing that ever resembled real cheese. Mmmm...my mouth is watering just thinking about them! Oh, and I can't stand baking with all of the substitutes. I don't mind using wheat flour and applesauce but carob does NOT taste like chocolate and stevia is NOT as good as sugar..I don't care what anyone says. If I bake brownies I want them to taste like brownies!CHS: How has HMN affected your life?
CT: The HMN has been a great resource for my family. We are planning a homebirth for our second child and I don't know if we would have found a midwife without the HMN. It's so reassuring to speak with other women about it and know that our choice is supported!
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